
[图帖] 逝去的荣耀Ⅰ——奥匈帝国勋奖章图集[94P]






Order of the Golden Fleece 金羊毛勋章
The Order of the Golden Fleece (German: Orden vom Goldenen Vlies) is an order of chivalry founded in Bruges in 1430 by Duke Philip III of Burgundy to celebrate his marriage to the Portuguese princess Isabella of Aviz.

The Order of the Golden Fleece was established January 10 1430 by Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, in celebration of the properous and wealthy domains united in his person that ran from Flanders to Switzerland. It is restricted to a limited number of knights, initially 24 but increased to 30 in 1433, and 50 in 1516—plus the sovereign. It received further privileges unusual to any order of knighthood: the sovereign undertook to consult the order before going to war; all disputes between the knights were to be settled by the order; at each chapter the deeds of each knight were held in review, and punishments and admonitions were dealt out to offenders, and to this the sovereign was expressly subject; the knights could claim as of right to be tried by their fellows on charges of rebellion, heresy and treason, and Charles V conferred on the order exclusive jurisdiction over all crimes committed by the knights; the arrest of the offender had to be by warrant signed by at least six knights, and during the process of charge and trial he remained not in prison but in the gentle custody of his fellow knights.



With the absorption of the Burgundian lands into the Habsburg empire, the sovereignty of the Order passed to the Habsburg kings of Spain, where it remained until the death of the last of the Spanish Habsburgs, Charles II, in 1700. He was succeeded as king by Philip V, a Bourbon. The dispute between Philip and the Habsburg pretender to the Spanish throne, the Archduke Charles, led to the War of the Spanish Succession, and also resulted in the division of the Order into Spanish and Austrian branches.

In 1812 the acting government of Spain awarded the order to the Duke of Wellington, an act confirmed by Ferdinand on his resumption of power, with the approval of Pope Pius VII. Wellington therefore became the first Protestant to be awarded the Golden Fleece. It has subsequently also been awarded to non-Christians, like Bhumibol Adulyadej, King of Thailand.



There was another crisis in 1833 when Isabella II became Queen of Spain in defiance of Salic Law. Her right to award the Fleece was challenged by Spanish Carlists.

Sovereignty remained with the head of the Spanish house of Bourbon during the republican (1931–39) and Francoist (1939–1975) periods and is held today by the present King of Spain, Juan Carlos.

The Austrian Order did not suffer from the political difficulties of the Spanish, remaining an award solely for Catholic royals and nobles. The problem of female inheritance was avoided on the accession of Maria Theresa in 1740 as sovereignty of the Order passed not to herself but to her husband, Francis.



Upon the collapse of the Austrian monarchy after the First World War, King Albert I of Belgium requested that the sovereignty and treasure of the Order be transferred to him as the ruler of the former Habsburg lands of Burgundy. This claim was seriously considered by the victorious allies at Versailles but was eventually rejected due to the intervention of King Alfonso XIII of Spain, who took possession of the property of the Order on behalf of the dethroned emperor, Charles I of Austria. Sovereignty remains with the head of the house of Habsburg, which was handed over in 2007 by Otto von Habsburg to his eldest son, Karl Habsburg-Lothringen.


勃艮第公爵菲利普三世(Philip III, Duke of Burgundy)

西班牙阿尔伯特王子(Prince Albert )

奥匈帝国皇帝斐迪南一世(Ferdinand I)

Military Order of Maria Theresa


Military Order of Maria Theresa (Militär Maria Theresien Orden in German, Katonai Mária Terézia-rend in Hungarian) was an Order (decoration) of the Austro-Hungarian Empire founded on June 18, 1757, the day of the Battle of Kolin, by the Empress Maria Theresa to reward especially meritorious and valorous acts by commissioned officer, including and especially the courageous act of defeating an enemy, and thus, "serving" his monarch. It was specifically given for "successful military acts of essential impact to a campaign that were undertaken on [the officer's] own initiative, and might have been omitted by an honorable officer without reproach." This gave rise to a popular myth that it was awarded for (successfully) acting against an explicit order. It is considered to be the highest honor for a soldier in the Austrian Armed services.


Originally, the Order had two classes: the Knight's Cross and the Grand Cross. On October 15, 1765, Emperor Joseph II added a Commander's Cross and a breast star to be worn by holders of the Grand Cross.


A prospective awardee was considered only in regards to their military service record; their ethnicity, birth and rank (as long as he was a commissioned officer) were irrelevant. Knight Cross recipients were automatically ennobled with the title of Ritter in the Austrian nobility for life, and admitted to court. Upon further petition they could also claim the hereditary title of Baron (Freiherr). They were also entitled to a pension. Widows of the Order's recipients were entitled to half of their spouse's pension during the remainder of their lives.


The Order ceased to be awarded by the Austrian Emperor at the fall of the Habsburg Dynasty in 1918, when its last sovereign, Karl I, transferred his powers concerning this honour to the Order Chapter. The Chapter then processed applications until its last meeting in 1931, when it was decided that further awards should not be made. The medal has been awarded a total of 1241 times.  And during World War I, the Military Order of Maria Theresa was only awarded 131 times.

The last surviving knight of the Order was k.u.k. Fregattenleutnant Gottfried Freiherr von Banfield. He received the honour in 1917 for his services as a maritime aviator during World War I and headed the Tripcovich Shipping Company in Trieste after the war. He died in 1986, aged ninety-six.


The badge of the Order was a gilt, white-enamelled cross. The central disc is also in enamel, bearing the coat-of-arms/national flag of Austria, surrounded by a white ring bearing the motto "Fortitvdini" (Fortitude).

The star of the Order was a silver faceted cross of the same shape as the badge, with a wreath of green-enamelled oak leaves between the arms of the cross. The central disc is the same as on the badge.

The ribbon of the Order was red-white-red, from the national flag of Austria.



Of the 131 recipients of this rare order, two men were further distinguished in the Second World War during their service in the German Wehrmacht by the award of the Knights' Cross of the Iron Cross - the later Generalleutnant Friedrich Franek and Generalmajor Alois Windisch. Many of the officers were decorated in their youth went on to serve in both the Austrian Bundesheer, Hungarian Honvéd (national army) and German Wehrmacht, eventually achieving general officer rank. One officer- Hauptmann Stanislaus Wieroński became a major general and mountain division commander in the Polish army.

弗里德里希·弗兰奈克(Friedrich Franek )陆军中将获骑士十字勋章后拍的标准照,注意其领口处的骑士级玛丽娅·特蕾莎军事勋章

阿洛伊斯·温迪希(Alois Windisch)陆军少将,这是上校时的标准照


Major-General Sir Robert Henry Dick, KCB, KCH - 73rd Foot - died of wounds, 10 February 1846. Aged 58. From Tully Mett, Perthshire. Austrian Order of Maria Theresa, Knight of the Russian Order of Vladimir. Fought in Peninsula and Waterloo. Grave at Ferozepore - "Here lies in the hope of joyful resurrection Sir Robert Henry Dick of Tully Mett, Perthshire N.B. Major-General Knight Commander of the Orders of the Bath and of Hanover, Knight of the Austrian Military Order of Maria Theresa and of the Russian Order of Vladimir.Colonel of H.M. 73rd Regt. For his country he fought & bled: in Egypt at Maida thro'out the Peninsula at Waterloo & in India. For his valour and skill at Fuentes d'onor Busaco Salamanca and Waterloo he received two medals and two honorary clasps. Born on the 29th July 1787 AD he fell in the moment of victory on the 10th Feby 1846 AD while cheering on H.M's 80th Regt having led his division in the assault on the entrenched camp of the Seikh at Sobraon. Honoured and beloved he lived honoured and lamented he died."

Submarine Captain Georg Ludwig von Trapp. Father of the famous Von Trapp family that inspired the movie The Sound of Music. He was given the medal for becoming "the dread of the Adriatic" for using his equipment to the best of his abilities. Born April 4, 1880, he died of lung cancer in Vermont on May 30 1947. He received the Lung Cancer from the toxic fumes emitted from his submarine During WWI. Out of all the medals this one was his favorite, and the only one he was able to smuggle out of Austria.


The Royal Hungarian Order of Saint Stephen·斯蒂芬勋章

The Order of Saint Stephen of Hungary, the royal Hungarian order, founded in 1764 by the empress Maria Theresa of Austria. consisted of the grand master (the sovereign), 20 knights grand cross, 30 knights commanders and 50 knights.
The badge is a green enamelled cross with gold borders, suspended from the Hungarian crown; the red enamelled medallion in the centre of the cross bears a white patriarchal cross issuing from a coroneted green mound; on either side of the cross are the letters M.T. in gold, and the whole is surrounded by a white fillet with the legend Publicum Meritorum Praemium. The ribbon is green with a crimson central stripe. The collar, only worn by the knights grand cross, is of gold, and consists of Hungarian crowns linked together alternately by the monograms of St Stephen, S.S., and the foundress, M.T..

·斯蒂芬勋章属于匈牙利王室勋章,由奥地利皇玛丽娅·特蕾莎设立于1764年。与其中勋章不同的是,它在立之初就确定了颁发的数量:大君主级、20大十字骑士级、30司令官骑士级和50骑士级。勋章章体为悬挂在匈牙利皇冠下镶金边的绿色珐琅十字形章;中央红色珐琅底上绘有白色大主教十字架,其下是戴着皇冠的绿色土堆,十字架两边为金色字母“M”“T”,外圈为白色珐琅,刻有铭文“Publicum Meritorum Prämium”。勋章的授带为绿底、中央为深红色条纹。各个级别中,只有大十字骑士级不用授带佩戴,而是用一条金质挂链:挂链由匈牙利皇冠图案组成,其间用代表·斯蒂芬的金质字母“S.S.”和表示创立者的缩写“M.T.”连接。

The order is the namesake of Hungary’s most famous king, Stephen I (969 – 1038), whose reign (997 – 1038) was marked by his consolidation of power among the various ethnic groups in Hungary, and for his adoption of Christianity as the state religion. His coronation, as recognized in the Church, dated 1001. He died on August 15, 1038, during the Feast of the Assumption. Canonized by Pope Gregory VII in 1083 along with his son Imre (who preceded him in death, after a hunting accident, 1031) and Bishop Gerhard of Hungary, St. Stephen is the patron saint of "Hungary, kings, the death of children, masons, stonecutters, and bricklayers." Though its exact provenance is somewhat disputed, the Crown of St. Stephen is said to have been a gift from Pope Silvester II, upon Stephen’s 1001 coronation.



Empress Maria Teresa and her son, Emperor Joseph II, made several political concessions to ease tensions within their empire – most especially between Austria and Hungary. The creation of the order was one of them. Membership was available to various members of the Hungarian nobility. To receive the Order, according to collector and historian Stephen Herold,one had to have at least four quarterings of arms showing as many generations of noble status. It helped promote her (Maria Teresa's) position as Queen of Hungary and reinforced the quasi independent position of Hungary in the Empire. The original statutes allow for only 20 Grand Crosses, 30 Commanders and 50 Knights who are to be "distinguished for virtue and merit and noble birth". Grand Cross Knights were considered so important that the Emperor was to address them as "Cousin". These insignia were to be returned to the Chancellery of the Order on the death of the holder. There was no military application of this order. It is rare, and even modern awards of St. Stephen are seldom seen. Perhaps more than any other Austrian order, this one approached the ideal character as put forth in its statutes and regulations.



Grand Cross – For ceremonial purposes, a full set of robes were prescribed, following the tradition of other orders, such as the Austrian and Spanish Orders of the Golden Fleece and Great Britain’s Order of the Garter. The robes were crimson and green, and were lined with ermine. A collar of gold was worn about the neck and shoulders, with the badge of the Order suspended from the collar. For normal occasions and every-day wear, a sash of crimson, edged with green, was worn over the right shoulder and extended to the left hip, the distinctive badge of the Order suspended from the sash at the hip. An eight-pointed star was worn on the left breast. During the waning days of the monarchy, especially during the Great War, a less formal option was also authorized, whereby a miniature (a so-called “kleine decoration”) of the breast star was affixed to the center of the ribbon of an ordinary knight’s cross, and was worn on the left breast with other orders and military medals, in order of precedence.


Knight Commanders – wore the badge of the Order at the throat, suspended from the crimson edged with green ribbon about the neck. During the Great War, the informal wear of the miniature, gold, Crown of Saint Stephen kleine decoration was worn on an ordinary knight’s cross, to delineate them from ordinary knights and Grand Cross knights, and worn on the left breast with other orders and military medals, in order of precedence.


Knights – wore the badge of the Order, suspended from a tri-fold ribbon of crimson, edged in green, on the left breast with other orders and military medals, in order of precedence.





Order of Leopold 利奥波德勋章

The Imperial Austrian Order of Leopold was founded by Franz I of Austria on 8 January 1808. The order's statutes stipulated only three grades: Grand Cross, Commander and Knight. During the war, in common with the other Austro-Hungarian decorations Crossed Swords were instituted to reward bravery in the face of the enemy. An Imperial Decree of the 1 February 1901 ordered that in future the senior grade would be split into two separate awards and from then onwards there were four ranks: Grand Cross, First Class, Commander, Knight.


Until the 18 July 1884 the award of the order had also entitled the recipient if he was not already of that standing, to be raised to the following appointments and or ranks of the nobility:
Grand Cross: Privy Councillor

Commander: Baron
Knight: Ritter



Both the Grand Cross and the First Class Members of the Order wore on formal occasions their orders in the form a Sash with the Order attached to the Bow and respectively an eight pointed and a four pointed breast Star. The Grand Cross was somewhat larger than the First Class as was the width of the Sash. The Commanders' Cross was worn to the neck, suspended from a 52 mm wide ribbon; the Knight wore his Order on a triangular ribbon on the left breast. The actual Order consists of a red enameled gold cross, with white enamel edging. The obverse of the Order displays the initials FIA in gold on a red enamel background. The Mottoes of the Order were "INTEGRITATI ET MERITO" and "OPES REGUM CORDA SUBDITORUM". The Cross is surmounted by a golden Emperors' Crown. The Grand Cross could also be awarded with diamonds; from 1808 to 1918 only four people received this honour. The last recipient, Ernst Graf von Silva-Tarouca, was awarded the decoration on 11 November 1918, just hours before Charles I of Austria abdicated. After 1918 the Order was no longer awarded.
在平日里无论大十字级还是一级勋章的获得者都会披挂襟授,勋章就挂在襟授的底端,同时会佩戴星芒章,大十字级为八角形而一级则为四角形。另外大十字级的襟授比一级的稍宽。而司令官级勋章则用一条52毫米宽的绶带挂于脖子上;用三角形授带佩戴在左胸上的则是骑士级。勋章的章体为表面涂有红色珐琅的金质十字形,另用白色珐琅镶边。勋章正面为红底,上面有大写的FIA三个金色字母。周边写有铭文“INTEGRITATI ET MERITO”和“OPES REGUM CORDA SUBDITORUM”。在十字形章体之上的金质皇冠装饰。而大十字级更能附加钻石,不过从1808年至1918年间只有四人获此殊荣。此勋章的最后一位获得者为恩斯特·冯·希尔瓦-塔罗卡伯爵,获颁于19181111日,几小时后奥皇卡尔一世宣布退位。之后此勋章终止颁发。


The Army Gazette known as the Heeres-Verordnungsblatt was the document which published the awards for all members of the Common Army. Each service had its own Verordnungsblatt and all were produced weekly together in a publication known as Streffleurs Militärblatt. The page shown here is from the edition of 7th July 1917 showing the first sheet of the Common Army Personnel Matters section numbered 125 and dated the 2nd July 1917 (P.V. Bl. f. d. k.u.k. Heer Nr.125 v. 2.Juli). It shows amongst others two awards of the Knights' Cross of the Leopold Order with War Decoration and Swords to Oberst Gustav Seidl  of FeldhaubRgt. Nr.6 and Oberleutnant Béla Szilárd of HonvédInfRgt. Nr.31.



Order of the Iron Crown 铁皇冠勋章

The Imperial Order of the Iron Crown was established June 5, 1805 by Napoleon Bonaparte (under his title of King Napoleon I of Italy), and later became an Imperial Austrian order. It took its name from the ancient Iron Crown of Lombardy, a medieval jewel with an iron ring. This crown also gave its name to the Italian Order of the Crown.

The Iron Crown of Lombardy, made for Theodelinda, Queen of the Lombards, was alleged to be crafted from one of the original nails in the True Cross used in the Crucifixion of Jesus. Regardless of origin, her crown was crafted of six hinged plates of gold, set with precious gems, and held together with an iron circlet structure, underneath. Thus, came the term Iron Crown.



Upon Theodelindas death in 628, her crown was donated to the Church at Monza, where it still remains. It was used during the coronation of Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne, as he took the throne of Lombardy, in 774. Later Holy Roman Emperors followed suit in this tradition.

During his continued expansion of power, Napoleon Bonaparte conquered Italy in much the same manner as Charlemagne. As a symbolic gesture, he too, had himself crowned as King of Italy, using the Iron Crown of Lombardy for the coronation. The coronation occurred on May 26, 1805.

Three weeks later, Emperor Napoleon founded the Imperial Order of the Iron Crown, on June 15, 1805. The Order was divided into three classes, with 20 grand cross knights, 30 knight commanders, and 50 ordinary knights. With his eventual defeat at Waterloo, in 1815, the Imperial French Order ceased to exist.

The Holy Roman Empire, ruled by the Habsburg dynasty, gave way to the Empire of Austria, between 1804 and 1806. The last Holy Roman Emperor, Franz II, was proclaimed Emperor Franz I of Austria. His daughter, the Archduchess Maria Louise, was Napoleons second wife and Empress Consort, and the mother of Napoleons only legitimate son and heir, Napoleon, Duke of Reichstadt. With the collapse of Napoleons empire, Imperial Austria regained its traditional control of Lombardy. Emperor Franz re-established the Order of the Iron Crown as an Austrian order.

The Austrian order was also divided into three distinct classes of knighthood, recognized as the First, Second, and Third Classes. Investment of this order carried an Imperial patent of nobility. With the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in 1918, all but one (the Order of the Golden Fleece) of the chivalric orders of its monarchy was formally abolished.


While the ribbon colors changed from the Imperial French gold and green to the Imperial Austrian gold and royal blue, the general look of the medal remained largely the same an imperial eagle set within a representation of the Iron Crown of Lombardy. Grand Cross (French) and First Class (Austrian) knights wore a sash and badge over the right shoulder, with an eight-pointed star (that featured the Iron Crown at its center) on the left breast. Imperial French knight commanders wore a traditional military style medal on the left chest, with the addition of a bow in the center of the ribbon to delineate them from ordinary knights. Imperial Austrian Second Class knights wore the medal suspended from a ribbon about the neck. French ordinary knights and Austrian Third Class knights wore a traditional military medal on the left chest.


From 1908 for First Class knights, and from 1917 for Second Class knights, the Imperial Austrian order allowed for an undress version to be worn with service dress. First Class knights were authorized to wear a Third Class military medal on the left breast, with an addition of a device known as a "kleine decoration". The pin device was a miniature version of the First Class breast star, and was worn on the center of the ribbon to delineate the wearer as a knight of the First Class. Variations in the star matched the details of the knight's specific award: including the war decoration wreath and the crossed swords. The Second Class kleine decoration was a miniature depiction of the Iron Crown of Lombardy (copied from the lower part of the actual medal). As with the First Class knights, the kleine decorations for the Second Class knights matched the award to the knights: crown only for peacetime award, crown encircled by a wreath for the war decoration, and topped with swords for those awards "with swords", and was worn in the same fashion as that of the First Class knights.

During the Great War, awards "with swords" were given to symbolize personal valor of the knight that led to his award. Hence, ordinary knights medals were also frequently adorned with crossed swords, pinned to the tri-fold ribbon.


陆军上将亚历山大·冯·科巴廷男爵(Feldzeugmeister Alexander Freiherr von Krobatin),领口处佩戴着司令官级铁皇冠勋章

1Theodelinda, queen of the Lombards, (c. 570-628) was the daughter of duke Garibald I of Bavaria.


She was married first in 588 to Authari, king of the Lombards, son of king Cleph. Authari died in 590. Theodelinda was allowed to pick Agilulf as her next husband and Authari's successor in 591. She thereafter exerted much influence in restoring Nicene Christianity (the mainstream, in 1054 split by the East-West Schism in Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy) to a position of primacy in Italy against its rival, Arian Christianity.

After the conversion of Agilulf to the Catholic faith, she started building churches in Lombardy and Tuscany, among them the cathedral of Monza and the first Baptistery of Florence. They were all dedicated to Saint John the Baptist.

The famous treasure of Monza contains the Iron Crown of Lombardy. The history of the queen and her connection with the famous Iron Crown of Lombardy are narrated in the frescoes painted in the Theodelinda Chapel in the Cathedral of Monza, work by Ambrogio and Gregorio Zavattari (1444).



3Authari (auch Autari, Authachar, Otharius; * um 540; 5. September 590 in Pavia) war von 584 bis 590 König der Langobarden.

Order of Franz Joseph 弗朗茨·约瑟夫勋章

The Imperial Austrian Franz Joseph Order was founded by the Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria on December 2, 1849 on the first anniversary of his assumption of the Imperial Crown. The order was originally awarded in three classes:

Grand Cross
Commander's Cross
Knight's Cross


The Commander's Star, which ranked immediately below the Grand Cross, was added in 1869, and the Officer's Cross, which ranked between the Commander and the Knight, was introduced on February 1, 1901. The Grand Cross, the Commander's Star and Officer's Cross were breast decorations, whereas the Commander's Cross was worn at the neck. The Knight wore his award suspended from a triangular ribbon on the left breast. Both the Commander's and Knight's Crosses were originally suspended from a red ribbon. On the 14th September and 31st December it was further ordered that non-combatants, Military Justice Officers, Medical Officers, Veterinary Officers and Officials etc. could in future be awarded the decoration with the ribbon of the Military Merit Cross. A "Kleine Dekoration" was introduced for the Grand Cross on the 23rd March 1908 followed on 27 October 1917 for the remaining high awards of the Order. In common with the other Austro-Hungarian awards of the period, the Franz Joseph Order was further distinguished with the addition of the War decoration and Swords. However, the actual award was usually presented for distinguished service as opposed to gallantry in the face of the enemy.


Honorees of the order include Anton Bruckner and Émile Baudot.
The order ceased to exist with the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918. It was not re-established with the foundation of the Republic of Austria in 1919 when titles became illegal.


This document which is reproduced from the Verordnungsblatt für das k.u.k Heer Number 75 dated the 1st of May 1918, several Officers and Officials have their awards of a Knights' Cross of the Franz Joseph Order promulgated. The general citation is for outstanding service achievements in the face of the enemy.


安东·布鲁克纳(1824.9.4 – 1896.10.11) ,奥地利作曲家

埃米尔·博多(1845.11.9 – 1903.3.28) ,法国电报工程师,博多电码发明者

Military Merit Cross 军事功勋十字奖章

The Military Merit Cross (German: Militärverdienstkreuz) was a decoration of the Empire of Austria and, after the establishment of the Dual Monarchy in 1867, the Empire of Austria-Hungary. It was first established on October 22, 1849 and underwent several revisions to its design and award criteria over the years of its existence. It became obsolete in 1918 with the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The Military Merit Cross was established on October 22, 1849 by Emperor Franz Joseph I, based on the recommendation of Field Marshal Count Radetzky. It was to be awarded to officers who had performed especially praiseworthy service before the enemy in wartime, or outstanding service in peacetime, and was originally established in only one class.

The first awards were made to all officers who had served under Count Radetzky in the Italian campaigns of 1848-49, especially the Battle of Custoza in 1848 and the Battle of Novara in 1849. Just under 1,500 awards were made in 1849 and 1850, mainly to these officers. After this, the Military Merit Cross was awarded sparingly except during the Austro-Sardinian War of 1859, the German-Danish War of 1864, the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878 (when Austria occupied Bosnia-Herzegovina), and the Boxer Rebellion.

The first major revision of the Military Merit Cross came on January 12, 1860, when the War Decoration (Kriegsdekoration) was created. This was a green laurel wreath (Lorbeerkranz) between the arms of the cross, which was awarded for special deeds before the enemy ("für besondere Taten vor dem Feind"). Henceforth (and retroactively), wartime awards would be distinguished from peacetime awards by the presence of the wreath.


The next significant change occurred on September 23, 1914, shortly after the outbreak of World War I. The Military Merit Cross was divided into three classes. The previous Military Merit Cross, a breast decoration worn on a trifold ribbon, became the 3rd Class. A neck badge was created as the 2nd Class and a pinback cross became the new 1st Class. This classification made the Military Merit Cross effectively an order, with the 3rd Class equivalent to a knight's badge, the 2nd Class equivalent to a commander's badge, and the 1st Class equivalent to the breast star of an order. A recipient of an earlier Military Merit Cross without the War Decoration, if awarded the Military Merit Cross with the War Decoration, could wear both, and a recipient of a higher class could continue to wear the lower class. The statutes allowed for all three classes to be awarded with or without the War Decoration, but given the wartime situation, most awards were with the War Decoration.

Another change occurred on December 13, 1916, when swords were authorized for awards for bravery. These were crossed swords on the ribbon for the 3rd Class, and between the arms of the cross for the 1st and 2nd Class. On August 1, 1917, second and third awards of the 3rd Class were authorized, signified by one or two 6-mm wide silver clasps on the ribbon. On February 8, 1918, a second award of the 2nd Class was also authorized.

Until World War I, awards to non-Austro-Hungarian officers were uncommon. A number of Saxon officers received the Military Merit Cross in the Austro-Prussian War. Two Bavarians and one Saxon were decorated for their service in the Boxer Rebellion. During World War I, awards to officers of Austria-Hungary's allies became far more common, especially to Germans serving alongside Austro-Hungarians or serving in regiments of which the Emperor was the honorary chief.


From the earliest days of the decoration, the Austrian Emperor also reserved the right to make awards of the Military Merit Cross with Diamonds. This was not a special class, but a token of esteem. Most recipients were senior Austro-Hungarian generals and admirals, although a number were awarded during World War I to high-ranking allies.


The Military Merit Cross is a cross pattée of white enamel edged in red enamel, with a center medallion also of white enamel edged in red enamel, on which the word "VERDIENST" (merit) appears, broken into "VER" and "DIENST" to fit the center. The War Decoration is a green enamel wreath of laurel leaves between the arms of the cross.


The 3rd Class is suspended from a trifold ribbon. The ribbon is that of the Austrian Bravery Medal, a "laddered" pattern of red stripes with white between the "rungs" and a white border (this ribbon was also used for wartime awards of a number of other Austro-Hungarian decorations). The War Decoration wreath, which during World War I was more likely gilt rather than green. The 2nd Class is suspended from a neck ribbon of the same design as for the 3rd Class, and the 1st Class is a pinback cross worn on the lower left breast.

Military Merit Medal 军事功勋奖章

The Military Merit Medal (in German Militär-Verdienstmedaille) was a military decoration of the Empire of Austria-Hungary. It was founded by Emperor Franz Joseph I on March 12, 1890. The Military Merit Medal is often referred to as the "Signum Laudis" (Latin for "sign of praise") after the inscription on the reverse of the medal.
军事功勋奖章由弗朗茨·约瑟夫一世设立于1890年3月12日,由于奖章背面刻有“Signum Laudis(拉丁文“荣耀的证明”)”字样,因此也被后人称为“Signum Laudis”奖章。

The Military Merit Medal was only awarded to officers and officials of similar rank. In the Austro-Hungarian order of precedence, the Military Merit Medal ranked below orders, such as the Order of the Iron Crown, and the Military Merit Cross. The Silver Military Merit Medal (established in 1911) outranked the Bronze Military Merit Medal. The one exception to the order of precedence was the Large Military Merit Medal (Große Militär-Verdienstmedaille), a golden medal given as a sign of special recognition by the Emperor and usually awarded to senior officers. It outranked the lower grades of the Military Merit Cross and some orders.

The Military Merit Medal was awarded in peacetime for meritorious service and in wartime for outstanding acts (including bravery or military merit). The peacetime awards were on the statute ribbon, a red ribbon, while wartime awards were on the ribbon of the Bravery Medal, a "laddered" pattern of red stripes edged in white and with white between the "rungs". This latter was referred to as being either "on the War Ribbon" ("am Kriegsband") or "on the ribbon of the Bravery Medal" ("am Bande der Tapferkeitsmedaille"). Occasionally, the phrase "on the ribbon of the Military Merit Cross" ("am Bande des Militär-Verdienstkreuzes") was used, as the Military Merit Cross also used the ribbon of the Bravery Medal.


Awards on the War Ribbon took precedence over awards of the same class on the peacetime ribbon.

The Military Merit Medal originally came in one class, a gilt bronze version. Originally, repeat awards were not authorized (except that one could receive both the peacetime version and the version on the War Ribbon). On March 26, 1911, a Silver Military Merit Medal was founded. It was intended to reward those who would have earned a second award of the Military Merit Medal. It too could be awarded on either of the two ribbons. Originally, it was intended that the Silver Military Merit Medal would replace a Bronze Military Merit Medal, but on April 7, 1914, the wear of both at the same time was permitted.

On December 13, 1916, the wear of a pair of gilt crossed swords on the ribbon was authorized to recognize a higher grade of wartime merit. In addition, reflecting the increasing number of recommendations for repeat awards as World War I progressed, on April 1, 1916, the Emperor authorized one or two 8-mm wide silver clasps on the ribbon. Two such clasps would indicate a third award of the Silver Military Merit Medal. If swords were also earned, these were mounted on the clasp.

Also founded on April 1, 1916 was the Large Military Merit Medal (Große Militär-Verdienstmedaille), also called the Large Signum Laudis (Große Signum Laudis). This was intended for the "highest especially praiseworthy recognition" and was awarded only 30 times (with 4 repeat awards). The Large Military Merit Medal was of gilt bronze, and was 38-mm in diameter, compared to 32-mm for the Silver Military Merit Medal. The crown was surmounted by a wreath of laurel leaves. The repeat awards were indicated by a golden clasp on the ribbon, and all awards were on the War Ribbon. While the Bronze and Silver Military Merit Medals were essentially reserved for Austro-Hungarians only, ten of the 30 Large Military Merit Medals were awarded to foreigners (9 Germans and 1 Ottoman).


A new series of Silver and Bronze Military Merit Medals was created on April 18, 1917, which featured the bust of Emperor Karl I, who had acceded to the Austro-Hungarian throne after the death of Franz Joseph I on November 21, 1916. The main difference, besides the bust of the new Emperor in place of the old, was the replacement of the single crown above the medal by the paired crowns of Austria and Hungary on a bed of laurel and oak leaves. Also, given late-war conditions, the new medals were cruder in quality than their predecessors. A new Large Military Merit Medal was added on April 28, 1917.

The Military Merit Medal became obsolete with the fall of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy in November 1918. However, previously awarded medals continued to be worn by veterans in many of the successor states of the empire. After the Anschluss in 1938, when Nazi Germany annexed the Austrian Republic, the Military Merit Medal and other Austro-Hungarian medals were often worn mounted German-style rather than on trifolds.

In Hungary, which was under the regency of Miklós Horthy, many imperial decorations were continued or revived in modified forms. One of these was the Signum Laudis, reestablished in 1922. The Hungarian Signum Laudis replaced the Austrian crown with the Hungarian Crown of Saint Stephen. The obverse featured the double cross of the Hungarian coat of arms and the reverse added the date 1922 below the words SIGNUM LAUDIS. New ribbons were also introduced: a green ribbon for civil awards and a green ribbon with narrow white (inner) and red (outer) stripes for military awards. A war ribbon was authorized in 1939 which reversed the colors of the military ribbon to red with narrow white (inner) and green (outer) stripes.
而在匈牙利,摄政王米克洛什·霍尔蒂保留了许多皇帝时期的奖章,或略加修改。1922年军事功勋奖章被重新设立。不过新版章用匈牙利皇冠取代了原先的圣·斯蒂芬皇冠。正面图案为象征匈牙利的双十字徽章,背面是“SIGNUM LAUDIS”字样,其下有重设日期“1922”。同时对授带颜色也作了更改:授予平民的用绿色,军人采用绿-白-红三色授带。1939年又出台了“战时授带”,不过只是将颜色颠倒为红-白-绿三色。


Feldmarschalleutnant Stephan von Schneeberger is awarded a Silver Military Merit Medal on the 28th of June 1917 as published in the Heeres-Verordungsblatt Number 126 dated 4th July 1917.


赫尔曼·科维斯·冯·科维斯哈扎(Hermann Kövess von Kövessháza),奥匈军队末任总司令。注意他佩戴了三枚军事功勋奖章(阅兵勋表最后三枚,从内到外分别是大型、银质与铜质)

欧根大公(Archduke Eugen),奥匈陆军元帅

泰森公爵、弗里德里希大公(Archduke Friedrich, Duke of Teschen),奥匈陆军元帅

Bravery Medal 勇敢奖章


Kaiser Joseph II first founded a Golden and Silver commemorative medal on the 19th of July 1789 for Non Commissioned Officers and Private Soldiers who had distinguished themselves before the enemy. Since 1809 this was known as the Bravery Medal or Tapferkeitsmedaille. On the 19th August 1848 Kaiser Ferdinand divided the Silver Bravery Medal into two classes - a First and a Second Class. The 2nd Class Medal being a smaller version with a diameter of 31mm. On the 14th February 1915 Kaiser Franz Joseph introduced the Bronze Medal which was the same size as the 2nd Class Silver. Unlike the three senior awards, the Bronze Medal could be awarded to NCOs and Private Soldiers of allied armies. The Bravery Medals displayed the reigning Kaiser's head on the obverse. In the case of Franz Joseph, he was depicted in a Marshals' uniform and the following inscription was placed around the outer edge of the medal: "FRANZ JOSEPH I. V. G. G. KAISER V. OESTERREICH" (Franz Joseph I, by the grace of God Emperor of Austria). The obverse showed six crossed regimental colours surrounded by a laurel wreath and the motto: "Der Tapferkeit". The diameter of the Gold and large Silver Medal was 40mm. The ribbon of the Bravery Medal was the same white and red ribbon as the Military Merit Cross. An Imperial Decree of the 29th November 1915 introduced bars for repeat awards and these took the form of an 8mm wide smooth rustless iron bar. The recipient of a Bravery Medal was entitled to a lifelong pension and as ordered by the "Zirkularverordnung" of 18th September 1914 the sums were as follows with effect from the 1st October 1914:

Golden Bravery Medal 30 Crowns per month
Silver Bravery Medal 1st Class 15 Crowns per month
Silver Bravery Medal 2nd Class 7.50 Crowns per month

The Bronze Bravery Medal did not attract a pension and repeat awards did not result in an higher payment for the recipients.

1789年7月19日,约瑟夫二世皇帝设立了一种金质/银质纪念奖章,以表彰作战英勇的士官与士兵。1809年起更名为勇敢奖章。1848年8月19日斐迪南皇帝将银质奖章拆分为一级与二级,其中二级奖章略小,直径为31毫米,而金质与银质一级奖章的直径为40毫米。。1915年2月14日,弗朗茨·约瑟夫皇帝又增加与二级银质奖章尺寸一致的铜质奖章。与另外三级不同的是,与奥匈协同作战的友军士官、士兵也可以被授予铜质奖章。奖章的正面为当时皇帝的头像:弗朗茨·约瑟夫时期的图案为皇帝身着元帅制服、环绕着铭名“FRANZ JOSEPH I. V. G. G. KAISER V. OESTERREICH(弗朗茨·约瑟夫一世,拜神所赐的奥地利皇帝)”。背面为被月桂围绕的铭名“Der Tapferkeit(勇敢)”。1915年11月29日皇帝又颁布条例,允许能附加在授带上的8毫米宽不锈钢横条。另外根据1914年9月18日发布规定,勇敢奖章的获得者终生将获得津贴。




With effect from the 4th April 1917 as published in the Normal-Verordnungsblatt Nr.18 new versions of the Medal were introduced bearing the new Kaiser's portrait and the inscription: CAROLVS D. G. IMP. AVST. REX BOH. ETC. ET REX APOST. HVNG." on the obverse. The reverse was altered to bear the Motto "FORTITVDINI". A further change was the newly introduced eligibility for Commissioned Officers to be awarded the Golden and Silver Bravery Medals with effect from the 15th of September 1917 although the Officers' Awards did not attract the monthly pension. The Officers' version was distinguished by the addition to the triangular ribbon of a gold or silver "K". Although the awards to NCOs and Men were delegated to Army Commanders in the field those of the Golden and Silver Medals for Officers remained an Imperial prerogative.
1917年4月4日发布的第18号政府公报宣布更改正面的皇帝头像,铭文换成“CAROLVS D. G. IMP. AVST. REX BOH. ETC. ET REX APOST. HVNG.”。背面文字也变成“FORTITVDINI”。1917年9月15日公布的条例将金质与银质奖章的授予对象扩大到所有官兵,但军官获得者不能享受津贴。军官版奖章体现在授带上附加的金质或银质字母“K”。此后的实际发放过程中,获得金质与银质奖章成了军官们的特权,授予士兵的例子少之又少。


The Most decorated Non Commissioned officer of the Austro-Hungarian Army was Feldpilot Offiziersstellvertreter Julius Arigi (1895-1981). He was awarded the Golden Bravery Medal four times, the Silver 1st Class four times and both the Silver 2nd Class and the Bronze twice each. Kaiserschützen-Hauptmann Johann Charvát  was the only commissioned Officer to be awarded the Golden Bravery Medal twice. The only person to win both the NCOs and Soldiers' and the Officers' Golden Bravery Medal was Karl Ritter von Eiss. He won his NCOs and Solders, variant as a Kadett in May 1915 and the Officers' version as an Oberleutnant in der Reserve in the Autumn of 1918.


尤利乌斯·阿里格(1895.10.3 – 1981.10.1)

约翰·沙凡特Johann Charvát (1888-1934)

Wound Medal 战伤奖章

The Wound Medal (Verwundetenmedaille) was a decoration of the Empire of Austria-Hungary. It was established on August 12, 1917 by Emperor Karl and was the last medal to be officially founded in the empire. It took nearly a year before the "Statuten" (13th July 1918) and the details for awarding (25th July 1918) were published.

All persons who were engaged with the army in the field could receive this award, these were not only soldiers but also members of the foreign legions and members of the civil auxiliary units like the Red Cross etc. The right and the bureaucratic details to award this medal were delegated to the Armee- and Korps commanders and to the territorial commands in the cases of retired personnel.

The medal was made of zinc, and measured 38-mm in diameter. The zinc surface was dull gray, but examples with a polished surface often appear. The obverse of the medal featured a bust of Emperor Karl with his name in Latin "CAROLUS" above and a wreath of laurels below. Between the bust and the laurels in smaller letters was the name of the designer of the medal, K. Pracht. The reverse featured the words LAESO MILITI ("to the wounded soldier") and the date in Roman numerals "MCMXVIII" (1918). The winners received a small "legitimation" paper together with the medal. If a higher number of strips were reached only the new ribbon would be awarded to the entitled recipient.
奖章直径38毫米,由于其材料为锌,除了经常擦拭的,表面多呈灰暗色。章体的正面为月桂花环托起的卡尔皇帝半身像,其上为他名字的拉丁拼法“CAROLUS”。花环与头像之间还刻有奖章设计者的名字“K.Pracht”,尽管非常不起眼。背面为拉丁文“LAESO MILITI(受伤士兵)”与1918的罗马数字写法“MCMXVIII”。首次获颁者除了得到奖章外,还有一张授予证书。

The medal was suspended from a typical Austrian-style trifold ribbon, 39-mm in width. The ribbon was gray-green with 4-mm wide red edge stripes. The number of wounds was indicated by narrower 2-mm wide red stripes, edged in black, centered on the ribbon. No stripes indicated an award for someone invalided out of service. 1 strip for one wound up to 5 strips for 5 or more wounds (wounds which were received during the same day/action would count as one) and no stripes for severely damaged health caused by the circumstances of doing duty with the army in the field. Personnel with self-inflicted wounds or those who had lost the right to wear medals in the case of criminal delinquency or who died of their wounds or in other circumstances were exempted from receiving this decoration.


The wound medal was in many respects similar to the Karl-Truppen-Kreuz; it was one of the very few cases where men, NCOs and officers were treated equally, for instance the higher officers who received this decoration were Generaloberst Schönburg-Hartenstein (2 strips) and Admiral Horthy!

Iron Cross for Merit 功勋铁十字奖章

Awarded to soldiers or civil servants of lower rank for merit. This decoration was instituted on 1 April 1916 and could be awarded with or without an imperial crown. For service at the front, gilt swords attached to the ribbon were instituted on 13 December 1916. The cross could be suspended on the ribbon of the Bravery Medal in case of war merit or on a plain red ribbon for merit in times of peace. Awards of the latter kind were apparently never made. The obverse has a central medaillion in which the imperial monogram "FJ" (Franz Joseph) is placed within an inner circle bearing the motto "VIRIBUS UNITIS" (by united forces). The reverse bears the year of institution '1916' within a stylised wreath. The larger part of recipients of this decoration can be found among members of the medical corps, the field railroad corps and the military postal services.
此奖章设立于1916年4月1日,授予给低级别的士兵与公务员,颁发时可在十字章上方附加皇冠装饰。1916年12月13日又设立了附加在授带上、授予给战斗人员的镀金佩剑装饰。与前文介绍的某些奖章一样,战争时期此奖章会采用“战时授带”,以区分和平时期授予的红色授带。后者事实上没有颁发过。奖章正面中央为字母“FJ”,外圈刻有铭文“VIRIBUS UNITIS(团结一致)”。背面则是被月桂花环包围的设立年份“1916”。众多获得者中,医护人员、铁道部门与军事邮电部门人员占了多数。

Karl Troop Cross 卡尔军团十字奖章

The Karl Troop Cross (Karl Truppenkreuz) was instituted on 13 December 1916 by Emperor Karl I of Austria-Hungary. The cross was awarded until the end of the First World War to soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Army , regardless of rank, who had been with a combatant unit for at least twelve weeks and who had actually served at the front.


The medal is of zinc and consists of a cross pattée resting on a laurel wreath. The obverse bears the Latin inscription "GRATI PRINCEPS ET PATRIA, CAROLVS IMP.ET REX", (A grateful prince and country, Karl, Emperor and King). The reverse shows the Austrian and Hungarian Imperial crowns above the letter "C" (for Carolus) with the inscription "VITEM ET SANGVINEM", (With life and blood) and the date MDCCCCXVI, (1916). The design is based on the design of the Army Cross of 1813-1814 (usually known as the ‘Cannon Cross’ – ‘Kanonenkreuz’).
奖章的式样与1813-1814年军队十字奖章相似,章体为锌质十字形,上面饰有月桂花环。正面的图案为奥地利与匈牙利两顶皇冠,其上有字母“C(卡尔一世)”,中央有铭文“VITEM ET SANGVINEM(用生命和鲜血)”同时底部还有设立日期“MDCCCCXVI(1916)”。背面刻有拉丁铭文“GRATI PRINCEPS ET PATRIA, CAROLVS IMP.ET REX(来自皇帝与祖国的感谢)”。

A total of 651,000 were awarded.

Pilots Badge 飞行员证章

Austro-Hungarian Army pilots badge worn during the early and mid-war years. The badge is of two-piece construction and features gilting and enammeling and is one of the prettiest of WWI avaition badges. In the center is an eagle flying over the landscape and looking for prey. The leaves represent a spray of oakleaves. Several German pilots flying with Austrian units and passing Austrian flight qualifications and examinations wore this badge. Manfred von Richtofen was one of these, and during the early part of his carreer flew observation planes on the Russian front.

Following the death of Franz Joseph in 1916, and the ascension of his nephew Karl to the imperial throne, the design of Austrian pilots badges was changed. The new badge, had Karl's cypher in the shield at the bottom and two crowns at the top.


Merit Cross 功勋十字奖章


Civil Merit Medal 平民功勋奖章


Civilian Wartime Merit Cross 战时平民功勋十字奖章


Merit Cross for Military Chaplains 随军牧师功勋十字奖章


Honour Decoration of the Red Cross 1914-18 红十字会荣誉十字奖章




Merit Award of the Red Cross 红十字会功勋十字奖章


Commemorative Cross for Mobilisation 1912-13 1912-13年动员十字奖章

Instituted on 1913. Awarded to Austro-Hungarian forces that had been mobilised as a precautionary measure during the Balkan Wars between an alliance of Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro and Serbia on the one hand and Ottoman Turkey on the other.

Bosnian-Herzegovina Commemorative Medal 波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那纪念奖章

After the Ottoman-Russian War of 1877/78 the major powers agreed during the so-called Congress of Berlin on the 13th of June 1878 that Austrian-Hungary should take over the administration of the former Ottoman provinces of Bosnia and the Herzegovina. On the 29th of July 1878 the Austro-Hungarian XIII. Army Corps crossed the Save and after heavy fighting and the capture of Sarajevo the whole territory was occupied on the 1st of October 1878. During the following decades this occupied country stayed under the administration of the army, namely the 13th corps command, which made the post of the commanding general there the most "political" and "civilian" appointment in the whole Austro-Hungarian Army. After some mutinies, the most serious one in 1882, the situation in these provinces normalized, the army ran the postal service as well as the railways, they built roads, bridges as well as schools and hospitals. Besides the Bosnian-Herzegovinian Gendarmerie, four infantry regiments and one Feldjägerbataillon of the regular army were raised from this occupied area and over the years the "Bosniaks" became the most loyal elite units of the whole empire - like the Gurkhas of the British Army. Thirty years after the occupation of the area, which had still the legal status of occupied territory, was annexed by the Austro-Hungarian Empire on the 5th of October 1908. The new provinces became neither part of the Austrian nor of the Hungarian part of the monarchy, they were administrated by newly created federal authorities. To commemorate this day of the annexation, when Bosnia and the Herzegovina became legal constituent parts of the state, Kaiser Franz Joseph introduced the "Bosnian-Herzegovina Commemorative Medal" on the 30th of August 1909.

The bronze (sometimes also gold plated specimens can be found) medal showed on the obverse the portrait of Kaiser Franz Joseph looking to the right. Only his head is pictured to avoid any discussions which clothes - military uniform or not - he is wearing! The Latin inscription read "FRANC. IOS. I. D. G. IMP. AVSTR. REX BOH. ETC. AP. REX HVNG." (Franz Joseph I. Kaiser of Austria, King of Bohemia etc. Apostolic King of Hungary). On the reverse a laurel-tree is shown, holding in the upper section the coat of arms from these provinces - a crowned shield bearing an armoured arm holding a sabre - in the leaves on both sides of this shield the Latin date "DIE V." and "OCT. - MCMVIII" and on the basic roots an enrolled banner with the inscription "IN MEMORIAM". With regards to the regulations this medal should have been received by all persons who were on active duty with the military and civilian administration of Bosnia and the Herzegovina on the 5th of October 1908. From the about 3000 produced medals about 2800 were awarded.
这种铜质(也有少量金质)奖章正面为弗朗茨·约瑟夫右侧肖像。至于为何只有头像,是因为在设计时对衣服的选择产生了严重的分歧:军装或是其他衣服,最后双方互不相让,干脆只刻一个头像了事。四周的拉丁铭文为“FRANC. IOS. I. D. G. IMP. AVSTR. REX BOH. ETC. AP. REX HVNG.(弗朗茨·约瑟夫一世,奥地利皇帝、波希尼亚与匈牙利国王)”。背面为月桂树托起的皇冠盾章,上面纹有一只握着弯刀的手臂。盾牌的两边树叶里各有日期“DIE V.”和“OCT. - MCMVIII”,底部的横幅上也有铭文“IN MEMORIAM”。授予对象为1908年10月5日当天波斯尼亚与黑塞哥维那所有现役军人与公务员,奖章数量非常稀少,只颁发了2800枚,其制作数量也不超过3000枚。

War Medal 1873 1873年战争奖章


Prague Militia Medal 1866 布拉格国民自卫军奖章

During the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 the citizen of the Bohemian capital Prague raised three volunteer corps (Bürgerwehren) to support the regular army, similar to the inhabitant of the Tyrol, the Bürgerscharfschützen, the Städtische Garde and the Bürgerliches Polizeischarfschützenkorps. These volunteers organised their uniforms and equipment at their own cost and were recruited from citizens who were not called to army duty, mainly veterans, policemen and other civilian officials. To honor the members of these militias and to give them a sign of commemoration, Kaiser Franz Joseph I introduced the so-called "Prager Bürgerwehrmedaille von 1866" on the 25th of October 1866.

This 31 mm wide, silver medal was designed by the famous Josef Tautenhayn senior (1837-1911) and worn on a 40 mm half white and half light-red typical triangle ribbon. The obverse was similar to the Tyrolean medal for 1866 and depicted the head of Kaiser Franz Josef I with a laurel-wreath looking to the right surrounded by the inscription "FRANZ JOSEPH I. KAISER VON OESTERREICH". On the reverse at the centre is the underlined year-date "1866" surrounded by a wreath constructed of oak leaves and bound on the bottom with a ribbon. Finally 1080 medals were awarded.
这种直径为31毫米的银质奖章,正面采用约瑟夫老年时(1837-1911年)著名的侧面头像,周边铭文为“FRANZ JOSEPH I. KAISER VON OESTERREICH(弗朗茨·约瑟夫一世,奥地利皇帝)”。背面为被橡叶花环围绕的“1866”字样。奖章的授带为白色与淡红色各半。此奖章仅颁发了1080枚。

Commemorative Medal for the 1864 Campaign against Denmark 1864年丹麦战役纪念奖章

Instituted on 10 November 1864. Awarded to members of the Austrian forces active in the war against Denmark over the the Duchy of Schleswig.

Commemorative Medals for the Defenders of the Tyrol 1848, 1859 and 1866 蒂罗尔保护者纪念奖章


Commemorative Medal for 50th Anniversary of Franz Joseph's Reign 弗朗茨·约瑟夫登基50周年纪念奖章
Instituted on 1898. Awarded to members of the Austro-Hungarian armed forces on 21 October 1898 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the reign of Emperor Franz Joseph I.



Commemorative Cross for 60th Anniversary of Franz Joseph's Reign 弗朗茨·约瑟夫登基60周年纪念十字奖章


Commemoration Cross for Kaiser Franz Joseph I 弗朗茨·约瑟夫一世皇帝纪念十字奖章


Commemorative Badge for FM Archduke Albrecht 阿尔伯特大公纪念证章


Commemorative Medal of the 13th Royal Bavarian Infantry 巴伐利亚第13皇家步兵团纪念奖章


Long Service Cross for Officers 军官长期服役十字奖章


Long Service Cross for NCOs and Enlisted Men 士官、士兵长期服役十字奖章



Medal for 40 years Faithful Service 40年忠诚服役奖章


Territorial Honour Medal for Long Service 本土防卫队长期服役荣誉奖章


Order of the Starry Cross 繁星十字勋章


Teutonic Order 条顿骑士勋章

Instituted on 1834 by Emperor Ferdinand I to replace 1190 foundation in Holy Land abolished by Napoleon in 1809, 1929 as an order of chivalry, becoming a purely religious organisation.


Tyrol Province Remembrance Medal 蒂罗尔州纪念奖章(奥地利)

Awarded to all Tiroleans whos served in the First World War and also to those who, between 1915 and 1918 participated in defending the Tirol Province (amongst them were German mountain troops). This bronze gilt medal was instituted on 7 February 1928 and awards were stopped end March 1940. During that period some 120,000 were awarded. The obverse shows the Tirolean Eagle and the reverse bears, within an oak leaf wreath, the words "DAS / LAND TIROL / DEN / VERTEIDIGERN / DES / VATERLANDES/ 1914-1918" (The Tirol Province to the Defenders of the Homeland, 1914-1918).
这种铜质镀金奖章从1928年2月7日设立,至1940年3月停止授予,总共颁发了约12万枚。其授予对象为全体参加过一战的蒂罗尔人,或在1915至1918年间参加了蒂罗尔州防御作战的人员(包括德国山地部队)。奖章的正面为蒂罗尔传统鹰徽,背面是橡叶环绕的铭文“DAS / LAND TIROL / DEN / VERTEIDIGERN / DES / VATERLANDES/ 1914-1918(蒂罗尔州的保卫者,1914-1918)”。

War Commemorative Medals 战争纪念章(奥地利)

Awarded to all who served in the First World War. This medal was instituted on 21 December 1932 and on 10 November 1933 gilt crossed swords were decreed. These were to be attached to the medal's ribbon for those who served under fire at the front, wounded and POW who had behaved with honour.


The obverse depicts an eagle with wings opened downwards, standing on an upright shield with the Austrian weapon. Along the lower rim are the words "FÜR ÖSTERREICH" (For Austria). On the reverse, within an oak leaf wreath, the dates "1914-1918".
奖章正面为双翅展开、翅尖垂下的雄鹰紧抓纹有奥地利国旗的盾牌。底下刻有铭文“FÜR ÖSTERREICH(为了奥地利)”。背面图案则相对简单,为橡叶花环围绕的日期“1914-1918”。

War Commemorative Medals 战争纪念章(匈牙利)

Awarded "with helmet and swords" to soldiers and other combattants or "without helmet and swords" to all other war participants or to the nearest relative of a soldier KIA. This medal was instituted on 26 May 1929 by the Regent, Admiral Horthy. The obverse shows the weapon shield of Hungary surmounted by a crown and, if so awarded, with swords underneath the shield. The reverse bears the text "PRO DEO ET PATRIA / 1914-1918" (for God and Fatherland 1914-1918) and, if so awarded, with a WWI helmet over the dates.
1929年5月26日由摄政王霍尔蒂海军上将设立,颁发给所有参加过战斗的军民与阵亡、失踪军人亲属。正面为装有皇冠的盾牌,其上纹有匈牙利国旗式样,另外还有交叉的双剑图案。背面有铭文“PRO DEO ET PATRIA / 1914-1918(为了上帝与祖国 1914-1918)”,其间有一顶钢盔图案。

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