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标题: Beyond the game WCG主题歌 [打印本页]

作者: chencai123    时间: 2009-6-15 14:50     标题: Beyond the game WCG主题歌

go beyond...
go beyond the game...

you and I, we have met before to the ma
gic of the moment in cyber space.

driven by a passion to win playing hear
t to heart, face to face

the challenge of the live time stands b
efore us now
beyond the game
through the portal into cyber space

we have come to decide our fate, we are
here to celebrate
beyond the game....
beyond the game...

at last, the moments at hand, all we ne
ed is to believe the cane?
we will make our stand beyond the game
beyond the game...
the world cyber games
let time to hear the spirit is right.
we connect now in a powerful way

we celebrate our diversity around the w
orld with the passion to play

the planet will be watching, the messag
e will be heard


作者: 无胆匪类    时间: 2009-6-18 21:12

作者: yuwang002    时间: 2009-6-20 18:08

作者: 可以很猛    时间: 2009-6-20 21:34

作者: ghb20523    时间: 2009-6-20 21:44


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