★恶魔骑士团★Elite Knights★哦 ...
8月15日晚,2009林肯公园上海演唱会在八万人体育场火热开幕。当天,林肯公园演绎了电影《变形金刚》的主题曲,主唱切斯特·贝宁顿(Chester Bennington)奋力献唱,也许是觉得不够尽兴,他仅穿短裤,一边演唱,一边狂蹬腿来使劲。 万人大合唱high翻全场 演唱会没有暖场嘉宾,一开场,林肯公园便毫无喘息的演唱了《Session》、《From the Inside》、《Somewhere I Belong》,一气呵成,紧凑精巧,全场立刻进入沸腾的状态。紧接着又是一首首流畅、华丽的经典歌曲,比起07年的上海演唱会,主唱与歌迷的互动更多,不时大玩话筒架,各种大跳小跳连环跳,衣服很快被汗水浸湿,纹身清晰可见。当《变形金刚2》(看专业影评)主题曲响起,全场歌迷陷入疯狂,上演大合唱,成为当晚最大的一个高潮。 整场演出,林肯公园共返场两次,一共演唱了十七首经典曲目,彻底high翻全场八万人。 做慈善不遗余力不分国界 林肯公园是音乐救灾组织“Music for Relief”的发起者和其中最活跃的成员,此次的林肯公园上海演唱会,同样有这个慈善组织的冠名。这个成立于2005年的非盈利性组织旨在向各类自然灾害的受灾者提供帮助并努力防止此类灾害的发生。 在台北的演唱会上,林肯公园对于遭受台风“莫拉克”影响的台湾地区捐出了2万美金作为捐助基金,对于他们来说做慈善和公益是一件很有意义的事情,不用区分国界和人种,只要是需要帮助的就值得去帮助,不管是在什么地方什么情况。 新专辑明年推出 在当晚7点整举行的新闻发布会上,林肯公园接受了中国媒体的访问,畅谈了伍德斯托克音乐节精神,并透露了新专辑的消息。 1969年,四个只有二十几岁的小伙子迈科·朗(MICHAEL LANG)、约翰罗·伯茨(JOHN ROBERTS)、乔尔·罗斯曼(JOEL ROSEMAN)和阿蒂·考菲尔德(ARTIE KORNFELD)捣鼓出了一场被传颂了40年的伍德斯托克音乐节。在伍德斯托克音乐节40周年之际,林肯公园主唱查斯特表示:“我觉得伍德斯托克太棒了!不同类型、风格的乐队聚在一起,然后表演,是珍贵的体验。” 同时,林肯公园还透露,成员们在不同的国家(像德国)、不同的录音室录制新专辑内的歌曲,已经完成了40首Demo,新专辑将于明年发行。
it starts with one thing i don t know why it doesn t even matter how hard you try keep that in mind i designed this rhyme to explain in due time all i know time is a valuable thing watch it fly by as the pendulum swings watch it count down to the end of the day the clock ticks life away it s so unreal didn t look out below watch the time go right out the window trying to hold on, but didn t even know wasted it all just to watch you go i kept everything inside and even though i tried, it all fell apart what it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when i tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn t even matter i had to fall to lose it all but in the end it doesn t even matter one thing, i don t know why it doesn't even matter how hard you try, keep that in mind i designed this rhyme, to remind myself how i tried so hard in spite of the way you were mocking me acting like i was part of your property remembering all the times you fought with me i m surprised it got so (far) things aren t the way they were before you wouldn t even recognise me anymore not that you knew me back then but it all comes back to me (in the end) you kept everything inside and even though i tried, it all fell apart what it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when i i tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn t even matter i had to fall to lose it all but in the end it doesn t even matter i ve put my trust in you pushed as far as i can go for all this there s only one thing you should know i ve put my trust in you pushed as far as i can go for all this there s only one thing you should know i tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn t even matter i had to fall to lose it all but in the end it doesn t even matter 至IN全场大合唱! [iframe]http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTE4ODcxMTY=/v.swf[/iframe] 原版MV [iframe]http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/2aH8I5lYoLM/[/iframe] 歌曲下载右键另存为
原帖由 一泻十里 于 2009-8-24 14:20 发表 非常喜欢linkin park的音乐,特别是那首Numb,真是太棒了!